Storage and Cooking Ware from the Middle Minoan Settlement at Apodoulou, Crete: A Typological Assessment

Ioanna Venieri

The archaeological excavations at Apodoulou, conducted by the Greek-Italian expedition in the years 1985-2005, brought to light six houses, of which House A was fully excavated. From 499 complete vessels plus 2.048 diagnostic fragments, mainly rim sherds, four categories of vessels were distinguished: tableware, storage/transport vessels, vessels for cooking and food preparation, and vessels for diverse uses. Following the presentation of the tableware (Venieri 2020), in the present article, shapes and types of storage ware, cooking ware and various other wares are analysed as part of a broad study concerning pottery production and consumption at the Middle Minoan settlement of Apodoulou.

Ioanna Venieri is Deputy Director at Epigraphic Museum, Athens
Full Bibliographic Reference

Venieri I., Storage and Cooking Ware from the Middle Minoan Settlement at Apodoulou, Crete: A Typological Assessment, SMEA NS 8, 2022, 63-104

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Middle Minoan, Apodoulou, Crete, storage ware, cooking ware, pottery production
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